Neuron ESB User Network

The Service Bus for the Connected Business

I’m very pleased to announce the July Feature release update (version 2.5.13) for Neuron ESB. This can be downloaded here

The product team is very excited about this release as it’s contains many new features which our customers will immediately benefit from. This release moves us further in ensuring that developing and deploying Neuron solutions continues to become easier for our customers. This release contains accumulated fixes, documentation updates, as well as incremental, customer requested updates to Neuron ESB:

  • Custom Pipeline Steps – Users will be able to create a reusable custom Pipeline Steps, register them, and use them within the Neuron ESB Pipeline Designer by simple drag and drop.
  • MSMQ Pipeline Step – This will provide users the ability to send messages to a Queue within a pipeline.  It will also support correlated receives from a Queue as well.
  • Pipeline Execution Pipeline Step – Provides the ability to create composite pipelines by executing existing pipelines within a pipeline for easy reuse.
  • Global Pipeline Cache – This will support the creation and initialization of any variable type that can be used across all instances of a pipeline executed by a Neuron Party
  • Custom SOAP Header Support for the Service Pipeline Step
  • Dynamic Transform Pipeline Step – Allows users to determine XSLT to run at runtime, rather than design time
  • Dynamic Schema Pipeline Step – Allows users to determine Schema to validate against at runtime, rather than design time
  • Environmental Variable support for Service/Client Connectors – This was the last step to make deployment truly easy for all customers. This deprecates the use of the Addresses tab located on Deployment Groups.
  • Multi-threaded receive for MSMQ based topics – This provides performance enhancements.
  • MSMQ Time to Live – The ability to set this property at the Topic level
  • WSDL support for Client Connectors - Ability to associate an existing WSDL endpoint with Client connectors so developers can use “add service reference” or “add web reference” within Visual Studio by referencing the client connector configured urls
  • Resubmit – the ability to resubmit a message directly from either the Audit or Failed Message reports.  In the next feature release we’re going to try to introduce bulk resubmit as well as the ability to resubmit to a specific adapter or service endpoint.
  • Reorder Pipelines – The ability to re order pipelines for a party within the UI so that users do not have to remove and then re-add.
  • RFID Sync and Async enhancements – Refactored to increase performance by 10 fold, as well as remove need to modify configuration files and enhanced tracing
  • Scatter Gather Sample – Updated the scatter gather sample and documentation (see attached) to use new Dynamic Transform Pipeline Steps
  • Unique WMI Performance Counters– By default Neuron ESB generates performance counter names for Parties using the Party Name appended by a guid. Now we provide an option to generate these names by only using the Party name.  This allows predictable use of 3rd party monitoring tools

Besides new features, this release includes all the accumulated bug fixes from the past few months, since our previous 2.5.10 release in April 2011. Some of these fixes include the following:

  • Performance enhancements for service endpoints
  • Exception propagation for service endpoints to calling clients
  • Several Neuron “Farm Mode” fixes/enhancements were introduced to ensure resilience and reliability. Neuron Farm mode is used to scale out Neuron servers when using TCP based topics in conjunction with the remote Neuron ESB client API. 
  • Several “DirectConnect” fixes were introduced.  DirectConnect mode is used for routing to service endpoints within a Pipeline, circumventing the Neuron Pub/Sub engine
  • Under certain conditions a service connector’s service policy would fail to execute when the WCF Message could not be created from the Neuron ESB Message.
  • Removed duplicate event log registry entries which were causing event information to be written to the disk file in the Log directory rather than the event log.
  • Code pipeline step no longer uses temp files.
  • Exceptions that occur in a pipeline are now passed back to a requesting client.
  • Removed duplicate failure exceptions being logged in the failed message database
    Corrected issue where Party name and direction were incorrectly logged or missing in failed message database
  • Corrected issue where the service url in the Service Pipeline Step could being used rather than the metadata url even though the value was empty.


As always, the complete list of changes can be found in the change log (Neuron Change Log.pdf) installed at the root of the Neuron ESB installation directory as well as on our support site.

As an addendum to our shipped documentation, I’ll be regularly posting information on how to use the new features, so continue to monitor our blog and forums!


Kind regards,


Marty Wasznicky
Neuron ESB
Neudesic, L.L.C.
Work: (949) 754-5223
Fax: (949) 754-6523

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