Neuron ESB User Network

The Service Bus for the Connected Business

Hi, I'm new to Neuron but not completely new to messaging concepts. I am not getting a clear picture of the best 'Neuron way' to implement this scenario:

An application wishes to make a request of another system asynchronously and expects a reply. There's a defined timeout for getting the reply (could be days long) and the requesting app should be informed if the timeout occurs, thus 'failing' the attempt.

Forget about the message formats for a moment... could be POX or whatever.

So the primary success scenario is something like this:

App1 issues an asynchronous request to App2 and immediately gets a recept of some kind to eventually match to the reply message. App2 processes the request within the SLA timeout and posts a reply message, asynchronously, back to App1 with the receipt id somehow attached or embedded.

What is the simplest Neuron configuration that could accomplish this? Would I have to embed the receipt identifyer in the message myself, or is there a way to attach this to Neuron's message header?


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Purely asynch with correlation in headers would be the most natural if you wanted one party to take action in its on receive that was a "response" to a message it had published earlier for something that went over days.

You could use the custom properties in the message header for the correlation values.
Ok, that's cool. Is this something you've seen before - any recommendations about the way to strucure the topics and parties in a situation like this... for example, let's say it's a simple CRUD type request for creating an account. Would you have a Topic/Subtopic hierarchy like so:

Accounts (Topic)

Or would this be better split up in another way? I ask because I think you may have some reason why we would want to do it one way or another.
I think that's fine.

I use subtopics a lot for segmenting operations or for Service Connectors that respond to a Client Connector On Ramp.

You can align your subtopics with either operations or with states and that should work out well.

When it comes to long running operations I'm a much bigger fan of completey asynchronous messaging with with either context based (headers) or content based correlation.

I bought into state based engines for a while until I saw what happens under load and trying to debug complex compensation scenarios.

There's also the whole loosley coupled aspect...There's really nothing loosely coupled about state based engines...They need to maintain control of all aspects of processing otherwise they can't guarentee dehydration and rehydration, transactions, etc...

On the other hand, shuttling things asynchronously and managing persistence with an independent data store that also holds state transition information that allows you to know the next or previous step in a process or even store a complete state transition history is very scalable and will allow you to add functionality quickly.

You won't drag and drop your way there with the design tools many state based engines provide but you'll be able to add functionality, custom reporting, or switch out the backing store database (or even use multiple databases) much easier than if you start with a state based tool.


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