So, how can I query the currently running Neuron configuration for it's subscribers, publishers and for their topics (and whether or not they can pub/sub to those topics)
Is this info available through the API somehow? I would prefer this over getting the infor from the .esb file, if possible.
Permalink Reply by CM on November 4, 2009 at 9:16am
The TestClient uses the Administrator API. I believe you can link to the same dlls. Neuron.Esb.Administration is namespace I think you want to look at.
Ok, thanks for that... but after poking around a bit it's not entirely clear how to connect without already knowing a party ID.
Would I be better off looking directly at the .esb file? Or can you maybe show me a code snippet that shows how to connect to Neuron without a party id, then query for topics and publishers/subscribers?
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